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BHU gate Lanka

Finally after a hectic 10 day period in which I moved from Delhi to Varanasi twice and ran here and there continuously throughout,I am finally at peace.Getting admitted to BHU was like a dream come true for me.I have aspired to be a part of this prestigious institution ever since my childhood and the satisfaction I feel these days is hard to express by words.

The results were out in the first week of July and ever since then,I have been restless.I clearly remember how I spent two entire weeks,losing my sleep and being restless throughout.The restlessness is taking a toll on my body and I feel a little tired but as almost everything is settled now,there is no issue as such with regard to tiredness.Moreover,the excitement of living in a place like Varanasi is too much to overcome.It always had a very special part in my heart and now as I have got the full two years to live here,it is satisfying indeed!

Leaving the family  is never a happy affair and it is saddest when you leave for the very first time.My parents came to the station to see me off,which was necessary kind of,as I was leaving for such a long time for the very first time.When the train started,there were tears in their eyes as well as mine.As my train started to pass,I was waving hands and they were reciprocating in the same way,I felt like jumping down and running back to them.No matter how much we pretend to be tough,these moment bring tears in the eyes of almost every individual.I realized how strong the attachment is between a person and his parents.For some time,I stood at the gate waving hands,the station passed soon and with that the sight of my parents waving hands at me.....I don't display much emotions usually but at that moment tears were pouring down my eyes...

As I moved past,there was certain sense of joy.I was leaving my family for a good purpose,and my parents must have realized that their hard work in raising me was certain to be paid off.Arriving here in Varanasi for the second time in a week,I was full of joy and satisfaction.Last time I was in confusion,there was a lot of uncertainty regarding the admission and then there was a lot of nervousness too.But this time,there was pure joy!I went to the Vishwanath temple here at BHU.I have made it customary to visit the temple whenever I arrive.The hostels were allotted on the very same day but not before we had to be tired of requesting the authorities to do their jobs properly!

In the night being too tired we slept immediately so that the body returns to normal the next day.I am proud to be a part of this prestigious institution and being a student,I'll do my best to do justice to my position here.Being far away from home it is expected of me to excel for my own benefit as well as for everyone else surrounding me!


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