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As children,we are a born innocent,carefree and of course we love unconditionally.As we grow up,in the society,we are taught that certain things are right ,while certain things are wrong and we begin shaping up our personalities accordingly.We are taught that certain values within us are agreeable while some are not.Some things we should develop some things we should not.Soon after we begin to see the good and bad of the world.We too realize everything is not that rosy in here,as we used to believe in childhood.The world does seem harsh on us at times and sometimes we feel like we have been hit hard.

I want to focus on the personality that we develop all through this.As we grow older the only thing we carry forward are our personalities.I am a firm believer in reincarnation and I think the personalities are carried forward through different lifetimes.But I'll not talk about reincarnations here,let's get limited to this life itself.From childhood to death it is only our personality that describes us.Everything else changes.The body,face,emotions and even our belief systems are subject to a change over lifetime,yet the personality remains constant forever.It is thus,very important for us to be concerned about our personalities in this life as well as beyond.

In our day to day lives,we often feel a lot of troubles ranging from a non starting motorbike to traffic woes,from bad food to bad collegues,from identity crisis to self doubt and a lot else.We all face them,the magnitude and aspects may differ but the underlying thing is that we all face a lot of problems.In religion too,God is seen as a respite form these troubles.God is expected to solve our problems in exchange of the offerings and prayers we put to him/her.There are a lot of different ways in the present time dealing with problems of life.Some people refer to psychologists,some turn to spirituality some follow some occult beliefs.The root cause is the same,people want solutions to their problems.What if we develop a belief that the solution to the problems we face lies within ourselves?Why not.We have to have self belief.We can believe that we can solve everything.Even if we fail,we can get up and say well I tried.This self belief is too easy to talk about and equally difficult to develop.I have been thinking about it for years now,and yet there are moments when i have a spell of self doubt cast over me and I fail to counter it.

We all have goodness hidden within.Nobody is born a criminal.although some people might have carried their bad karma from past lives,yet nobody can be believed to be a criminal ever since birth.If goodness within is developed to the fullest,it will show its effect immediately.We have to believe that no matter what we do,no matter how unlucky we might seem to appear,we all are good within.This if carried forward to other people,there will be no room for hatred in the world.If we start believing that the person standing in front of us is as good as ourselves,can we hate him?No way.The root cause of all hatred is the indifference we have towards others.We,out of delusion start thinking there is some fault in the other person,and it can not be corrected.Yes,everyone makes mistakes but this does not mean,someone is born to make mistakes.We have to believe in the common good.

Believing in the common good works wonders for ourselves too.We don't want to get upset at ourselves time and again.Yet there are instances,when out of frustration,we start punishing ourselves.The result is drug addiction,alcoholism and various other things which are certain to degrade ourselves as human beings.Believing in the goodness within,enables us to view things in the larger perspective.We no longer need to seek approval from others for our work.Everyone believes in the advantage goodness has.If we believe firmly in our goodness,if we are able to do things which are in the common good,there is no chance of any disapproval whatsoever.A good man is the ideal for many,including himself.If we start believing in our goodness hidden within,there will be no need to follow any other path other than that of our heart.

Once we start to have a belief in our goodness,we need to consolidate it further.We need to cultivate goodness in our day to day life.We need to put in special effort to be sincere in our tasks.A job well done,can be a source of joy for us,which will help in the cultivation of our goodness.A relationship well maintained,an act of generosity,an act of affectionate gesture can all help us in cultivation of goodness in day to day life.This cultivation will certainly help in the long run.We are taught to collect good karma in our lives.Probably this is the reason why.We definitely benefit from the good work done by us not only in that moment itself,but also in the long run.

A good heart is really the source of happiness.People feel good around good persons isn't it?So what is stopping us from becoming good?Why not set all preoccupations aside and dedicate ourselves in becoming good and radiating the same.It is beneficial for everyone.How many people we encounter who make a mess of their lives,just because they don't believe they are the good human being they aspire to become.It is just a cloud of delusion that needs to be thrown away.


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