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Whenever you feel like there is no purpose to life,that all you seek is eventually going to be wasted,everything you seek is nothing but an illusion and as you reach the destination of this journey known as life it turns out to be -DEATH.

By this I don't mean death is horrible or is something to be avoided,but when you don't see a purpose to life itself,it is all frustration. The more I know about life,the more pointless it seems. As a God denier,I don't have the support of some supreme deity. Although,I confess here that I seem to understand now,why more people follow God than who do not. People like me,either give up and say all this God denying was a delusion and follow some religion for the rest of their lives,and the others,keep on struggling.

When you do not have a shadow of religion over your head,life is definitely a struggle. But whether this struggle is worth it or not,is a matter of personal experience. 

I am too young to give up a search for truth without a God,so I don't lose hope. But I'd like to mention a broader issue in here. And it is definitely personal.

Being a Hindu Brahman by birth,I know very well the path to salvation taught in our scriptures but I don't feel convinced by the path(for the time being at least!). It is not that I'm into finding faults within Hinduism. In fact,I don't think it is correct for me to question a belief system without getting to the root of it. But of course,whether to follow it or not,is for me to decide,and I'm proud of the fact that Hinduism allows me to do that exactly. We are not bound by a dogma or by any rules,a failure to follow which,may result in harmful consequences.

Today,as I stand I think I won't have a difficulty admitting that at the moment I'm having a difficult time finding a purpose in my life. And as I think this,immediately this comes to my mind:

The Three Armies can be deprived of their commanding officer, but even a common man cannot be deprived of his purpose.

So you see,even a common man is not supposed to function without a purpose. One can understand the frustration I might be feeling if I don't find a purpose. In fact,I believe the single most contributing factor to negativity in one's life is this-lack of purpose. If even for an instance,one feels out of the place or undesired it happens to be the most embarrassing moment at that time. I don't think even the greatest of people could function with this kind of a feeling. Suddenly,the earth where we belong seems to be an alien land. The society we live in,becomes the very place we want to run from. Then of course we have hermits who leave everything and run away from this society far away in seclusion. But even though ,I believe I am a loner at heart,I don't think I have developed dispassion enough to run away from the society. Besides,at the moment if I leave everything it will be an act of cowardice but not renunciation.

Of late,I have been reading some material regarding our own Hindu belief system. But I think it is a shame that we Indians have to read about our own culture through someone sitting thousands of kilometers away writing in a foreign language,while we readily ridicule our own people following those very beliefs. All these years of slavery and ridicule have had a lot of contribution,I think. Also,the English education system,which has on the one hand helped our country gain a very significant position on the world stage has made sure that we Indians keep on poking fun at our past without gaining any knowledge what so ever.

The lack of purpose is a condition which I think every sane individual has to face,and I think it will have a positive aspect definitely. One of that,I think will be that when I find one,I'll latch onto it as it'd be something I discover for myself. I do not have to take it on belief.

The truth,if revealed through investigation,as opposed to belief will bring a lot of satisfaction. Finding your purpose in life is something of that sort.

There is no need for negativity although it seem unavoidable sometimes,and at that moment some deep contemplation is needed. I think,at that moment religion plays its part.
This is one of the places I find the need of a religion. And yes,I have found it out ll by myself. Besides,these days I have been attracted towards some Gods,and I think I am starting to like it. Whether I'll get as far away as to worshipping the deities,is for time to tell,but at the moment I see no harm in reading a bit of mythology. Apart from being an enjoyable experience,it will bring about a change too in otherwise,a very boring monotonous,colourless life I have been living for the past few months.


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