are never glorified.This is the way of the world.The theroy of
natural selection too seems to confirm that.Of course the most
successful have the most chances to survive,others have to make
way,however horrible it may sound.For me,failure was never going to
be an option so when I failed to clear my entrance exam this month,I
was in a state of despair.No hope seemed to be there,all the effort
seemed useless and I was caught by surprise,quite literally.As time
passed,and a few weeks later,that is today,I think it has left a deep
scar on me and I have lost considerable amount of self confidence in
the way.
past has never been a memorable one.There have been instances when I
cursed myself for being alive here,but I had and still have the hope
to succeed.For the past few months,I have been reading a lot of
religious stuff and it has provided me a framework to deal with the
problems in my life,yet there are a few where I just want to give
up.A considerable amount of self doubt settles in and I'm left
hopeless.People often regard it as a state of depression.I get
depressed sometimes and lose control of myself in the process and
often end up thinking on weird ideas.One of them doing the rounds of
my mind is that I should leave this life and run away.The 'escapist'
way,it often seems to be adventurous one.
since my childhood,I have been imagining running in to the wild,and
living like a hermit seemed to be a nice idea.I have never aspired to
be connected to the world or be involved in the worldly affairs and
often feel like living among people is the price being paid for my
survival.As soon as my survival in ensured sans the people,I'll have
no problems living alone secluded from everyone.As I have grown
up,this idea still exists in my mind which means it was not some
childish fantasy.I think my life is better living alone than not.I am
very bad at expressing myself,and with a foul mouth,I make sure
everyone I come across hates me.Controlling my tongue has been the
hardest thing,and honestly,I have never been able to succeed.I have
often thought of the reasons behind it.
I go from a soft speaking common man to somone using harsh words
against his own family?
come I repent that event minutes later,yet unable to control my
tongue when required?
someone annoy me?If yes why do I care?
don't think I should be more concerned about correcting others than
I should be about finding faults within myself.Afterall,I have to be
responsible for my actions,not others'!Thought over with a calm mind
I often realize my mistake,but the feedback loop is so poor that I am
not able to apologize.So the person sees the bad side of me and when
I try to present my good side,it just doesn't get across.I then end
of looking like a real villain in the story.It has been accumulating
for a long time now,and now sometimes things get unbearable.Then I
realize there is a lot of suffering in the world and I have to take
it as long as I'm alive.Then,I don't have to worry about perceptions
too as they are temporary.
are not any problems,fundamental in nature as far as I'm concerned so
I don't have to worry about it.I have to take a lot of suffering,on
account of my actions and hence I consider myself responsible for the
state I'm in today.Yes there is some amount of depression but since I
hold myself responsible I don't have to curse anyone for it.I have
the responsibility to rectify the mistakes as well as to succeed.This
is the firm belief I have,and it is the path I have to take.
is a lot of negativity right now,and I have to make sure I don't make
any wrong decision during this time.
of people doesn't matter in the long run,so I don't even have to
think about it.
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