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Showing posts from March, 2014


We all have an inbuilt desire which is to gain approval from people around us.Even the slightest of acts within our friends comes with a flavour of this desire for approval.I've spent all these years fighting with myself over side of me says,well we all are humans and it is natural to feel good while being praised while it feels equally bad when being criticised,and the other part,which is more rational than intuitive warns me to stay as far as possible from acts like these. Well,as I progress,my mind is becoming more complicated than the household wire system!and all the ideas well,although sometimes contradicting in nature find nourishment in my little mind.hence,to describe my state of mind is almost impossible even for me,I don't know if a mind hacker can do it or not.But anyways,I've abstained from greedy actions on part of myself in order to lead a peaceful life and hence even if someone praises me,I don't get impressed much for everythi...


It is never advisable to speak ill of others for it is not only futile but poisonous as well.We tend to display all our animal potential,whenever we are not pleased by someone.Be it shouting,making stupid gestures or even going to the extent of beating up that person,all because we are not pleased by him!People often ask me why I don't get angry and my usual reply is I look within myself and impose certain checks so that things don't get out of hand. As of now,I know the importance of cultivation of one's own behaviour and its huge impact on the person itself and people around him/her.It is not surprising thus,that if we are to change the situations or persons around us,the first change needs to be done within oneself.How many times we hear learnt men criticising others?I believe such aversions are restricted to a definite level which may be regarded as characteristics of the so called common man.Well,what is the purpose of gaining all the knowledge?It...


Another week of my otherwise very routine life passes away and as I sit down and look back there is not much to think over regarding the past few days although there have been some very embarrassing moments,I feel. Well,life itself is a learning curve isn't it?We are here learning each and every day,sometimes we falter,the other day we jump around it's just like a child who is learning isn't it?Inside all this complicated personali ty there exists a child in each one of us.That may be observed as the ecstasy we feel when something very pleasing occurs.I feel, no matter how much we grow,how complicated we become on the outside the inside is the same.The other day I was being too harsh on myself over the mess I created until I reali z ed it was not a big deal at all.Making mistakes is all right,as long as we acknowledge them and learn from them. Living light is very important and since past few months,I've felt the futility of over complicating things when...


How to let go of all the attachments?Well,in our day to day life we are attached to so many things,then we all have a few persons towards whom we feel often endless amount of attachment.There have been enough texts written glorifying these attachments using lucrative words but at the end of it does it mean anything?As a dedicated follower of science I consider it my duty to question everything around me and look for convincing rational answers,and in this quest I often encounter concepts which although seemingly convincing are unreal,I feel. I've failed to achieve total detachment but still I'm working towards it and have strong belief that I'll succeed soon.We all have embarked upon a journey which can often be compared to any journey we make so often .Life itself is a journey and I often compare it with a train journey.We often interact with fellow passengers,share jokes wit them,discuss politics even share phone numbers but how many passengers we remember afte...