We all have an inbuilt desire which is to gain approval from people around us.Even the slightest of acts within our friends comes with a flavour of this desire for approval.I've spent all these years fighting with myself over this.one side of me says,well we all are humans and it is natural to feel good while being praised while it feels equally bad when being criticised,and the other part,which is more rational than intuitive warns me to stay as far as possible from acts like these. Well,as I progress,my mind is becoming more complicated than the household wire system!and all the ideas well,although sometimes contradicting in nature find nourishment in my little mind.hence,to describe my state of mind is almost impossible even for me,I don't know if a mind hacker can do it or not.But anyways,I've abstained from greedy actions on part of myself in order to lead a peaceful life and hence even if someone praises me,I don't get impressed much for everythi...
Cruising along the time in this journey called life........