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Its around midnight here and as i’m browsing news channels on my TV,i see almost every channel showing some type of crime report or other.Right from the ‘sansani’,guy to the ‘vaardat’ guy every one is shouting and analysing the heinous crimes committed on a daily basis.Then i pause for some time and think it over.Is it so?Has crime manifested and penetrated so deep in the society that even a peaceful guy can’t escape from it?Sadly the answer comes out to be true.


Yes it is true.In these times opinions are made  by watching movies,TV shows and reading filth on the internet.The entire entertainment industry is busy showing the good effects of being bad.Whether it is being a corrupt cop or an international thief Bollywood is leaving no stone unturned in emphasizing the benefits of being bad.The television is filled with those never ending ‘saas-bahu’ serials which act like a ‘how to destroy the peace of your family ‘ kind of guide.Each one of them.The news channels see more TRP’s in negative shows than in positive ones and feel it is the need of the hour to show and glorify crime on their channels.Now the thing is that we as humans always need to look up to someone so as to provide inspiration.Being a bad human is glorified too much that it seems no surprise to me that people aspire to be bad.Morality is totally out of question.Crime rates have risen to such extent and no one is looking for the reasons behind it.Look at what people think of criminals:lynch them,cut their hands and what else.6 months back entire nation was shocked after hearing the brutality of the gang rape which happened here in Delhi.It shook the morality of almost every individual.Every body was busy displaying his anger over it.Sadly not a lot of people tried to investigate what turns common people like us into such inhuman criminals.And mind you it was not a single such story.Such brutality is common in today’s world.It’s that the story was covered extensively by the media.
The world is going from bad to worse in terms of morality and the worst part is no one is concerned about it.It only strikes your mind when you feel it.I think the human mind has ‘evolved’ to a state when it can stay ignorant for as long as it wishes to be.


The entire world has been lured by the industrial advancement of the west and every nation blindly started copying them as soon as it was possible.It was all right had it been restricted to industrial advancement.But soon people found out the western ideas were superior than ours,their way of thinking,living,eating,studying was way better than us and we should of course ‘learn’ from them.The Europeans had an idea that the entire world was primitive and only they were the saviours then we asserted it.We conceded that we were some illiterate people who did not know how to live a life and strongly needed the west to teach us.That was the phase of cultural and spiritual ignorance in our country.Then the western culture overlapped and of course supressed the gem of a culture we had.And with the rise of America as a superpower or the ‘world dominator’ it is virtually impossible to think of non-westernisation of our culture.The current generation is not to blame for the mistakes of older ones and i guess a massive cultural revolution is needed in our country if we are to save ourselves.
The basic point of view towards the life has changed.Earlier,it was how much i can contribute to the society now it is how much i can take from the society.People are now living in a materialistic world full of illusions.We have come to a time when stealing something or cheating someone can be passed off with the wink of an eye.All right, ask any young person what he aims to become.A lot of them will name any one profession ,some are still searching and i bet a very few will say ‘i want to be a good human above anything else.’The materialistic world does not teach us to be good humans.It teaches us to obtain more and more at whatever cost possible.Good way or bad way does not matter.So it is no surprise we find even good students cheating in exams.After all they have to obtain more marks.Everyone cares for the marks.And after the result no one will ask how did you get these marks?Even if he asks you can always duck the question by saying:”you are being jealous of me.”


Life is a competition.You have to kick a lot of heads if you are to climb up in life.Isn’t that what is being taught in our schools?It is correct but only partially.We are never told the basic principle of humanity is to live for others.Giving is far better and pleasurable than taking and it can be proved with some self experimentation as well.Yet the lust of ‘things’ is so much that it blinds all our spiritual and moral aspects.Thus it does not surprise that people throw their old parents out of their homes.After all their benefits are over once they have a good job and of course they have no social duties.The non believers have increased manifold and everyone has only one reason to hide his inability to perform duties and it is-‘i’m modern’.Being modern gives you the license to kick your parents out of the house.Being modern gives you the right to kick the poor man who accidentally comes across you.Being modern gives you the license to cheat innocent people for your ‘benefits’.As we progress the modern ideas that come across have less morality and more arrogance.The individualistic view of the society promoted these days is fatal as well as unethical for the society.
Man is a social animal.So the entire life of man should be focussed around society and least attention should be towards himself.If someone is downtrodden,isn’t it our responsibility to pick him up and give him a respectable place in the society?It seems no in present context.How many times we see a poor man bullied and harassed by people who consider themselves superior just because they have a few more rupees and power than that guy?The state of the society is far worse than we think and now our impotence has been brought out.We have failed to give equal rights to people.We talk of development yet we have thrown our morals into a bin as if they were useless.As long as i see the poor man still needs love and acceptance more than anything else.


We are living in a world dominated by countries which are devoid of morality.The US in particular, has destroyed the world peace and morals and in its pursuit of global domination,it has very effectively convinced the majority of people that whatever is American is the best.The entire world is a market according to its capitalist ideas and of course morality is totally out of question.Whether it is thoughts,knowledge or even religion everything today is judged in terms of the money it can make.Being profitable is the only parameter in judging any new thing which comes out of the beautiful and creative human mind.Even ideas are manipulated in such a way that they prove to be profitable for institution concerned.Honesty has taken a backseat.
The recent leaks of the spying program by the NSA of US govt and a brazen refusal by it to shut it down tells us how far the US can go in its pursuit of global domination.In such a situation where do you expect even a bit of honesty?But the even bigger problem is that we have to live with it as we have now been forced to over depend on them in the name of ‘globalization’ and are paying the real price.The nation which was the intellectual and spiritual powerhouse of the world is now the leader in corruption and poverty which speaks a lot about our degradation.

I don’t know whether i should hope or not that the world will be a better place one day.Whether people will think before killing their brothers for just some money.Whether people will rise up and reveal the truths they need.This negativity in the world certainly sinks the heart..


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