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Showing posts from August, 2014


After undergoing a tiresome brain consuming 5 day interview at Air Force Selection Board(AFSB) Varanasi,I'm finally back to Delhi and really it was a once in a lifetime experience.I'll describe the entire experience but on a separate post.This is about the self reflection and contemplation immediately following the interview procedure.As a debutant,I was excited that I'll meet so many new people,get to discuss a lot of ideas and I was not disappointed in this regard. We all put ourselves on top whenever we are making decisions.That is perfectly logical as the decisions we make,has the most immediate bearing on ourselves.So we have to think about ourselves before anyone else.I get confused for a little bit while making these kind of decisions.First of all,by denial of a permanent self,we imply that whatever we do is ultimately a process in between a infinite chain of events so in a way it is all interconnected and hence the self has a little or no control in deciding the ou...


Often at times, unexpected things happen threatening to destroy our inner calm and we are left helpless.It is not that I'm learned enough to handle such things and thus sometimes feel lonely.These days have been busy for me and I wish I could control the flow of time.Not possible though. Only last week,I visited my college and after spending few hours there,we met our juniors and recalled our good old days,which is not a long time ago!Only 3 months back,we were daily visitors there.Anyways,we all have good memories of our college days and now I feel why so.Sometimes,I feel I should let the things do the work themselves and not meddle in because even though I try to change things a lot,I can't.So why bother!Only a few years back I was planning this and that,and then when the time comes,I can't help but go with the flow. It is like this all the time.I will not waste my time building castles in the air,because it is not worth the time.At the same moment,I have to be imaginati...


I can do it. I can do it. I can do it.There is no other option.Sometimes I have to yell these words to me so that I don't lose track.Well,as I planned to drop an year and prepare for the examinations in the subsequent year,I expected there will be some low points.There will be moments when I lose motivation and question my decision altogether! This kind of feeling has its roots in self doubt.But if self doubt is the negative thing,the positive analogue of it should be self belief.I have belief in myself,but sometimes distracted by others' opinions,some amount of doubt settles in.Then I start thinking 'realistically' which translates to reduction of extra amount of self confidence or I should say extra confidence!The notification,for the exams I'm preparing is out,6 months in advance and there is no better time than right at this moment to visualise the goal.I have to clear the exam,there is no other alternative.I personally killed all other alternatives to concentr...


It's been a long time since I wrote about myself.But sadly these days everything seems monotonous.Just the usual getting up,sitting at home and studying!I've not met a lot of people for the past few days and certainly after the completion of my college studies,life has come to an unusual halt,of some kind.I've been studying although the efficiency is to be improved,but the only thing bothering me is the monotony. I can't withstand monotony for a long time.I'm a big supporter of change and expect almost everything at least within my control to change periodically!I change my daily routine from time to time and even look for changes in my study schedule so that I don't get bored.Now,as a lot of time has passed since I went out of the city,I feel now is a good time to head out for at least a couple of days.And I hope next weekend will provide me the chance to head out and probably get some change in the day to day life.Now,I understand the importance going to coll...


In my day to day life there are instances when I misinterpret what people around think about me.One of them was that,people around me had a distinct paranoia which resulted in myself being uncomfortable around them.I don't think anyone hates me,not anymore so I'm like more comfortable. Now,as we progress we often come across things which might be unpleasing and we respond accordingly.I've been practising a certain kind of restraint while dealing with such circumstances.I mean,I label almost every phenomena that occurs to me.So if something is pleasurable,there is a pleasure label attached and if it is not so,there is a label for it as well.It helps me,among a lot other things,in not responding in a way which might be embarrassing if looked back upon.This kind of contemplation in day to day life has a lot of benefits for me.I've started to feel them now. If someone praises me,it is natural to be elated and get lost in fantasies and all that.But with contemplation,we...