Whenever you feel like there is no purpose to life,that all you seek is eventually going to be wasted,everything you seek is nothing but an illusion and as you reach the destination of this journey known as life it turns out to be - DEATH. By this I don't mean death is horrible or is something to be avoided,but when you don't see a purpose to life itself,it is all frustration. The more I know about life,the more pointless it seems. As a God denier,I don't have the support of some supreme deity. Although,I confess here that I seem to understand now,why more people follow God than who do not. People like me,either give up and say all this God denying was a delusion and follow some religion for the rest of their lives,and the others,keep on struggling. When you do not have a shadow of religion over your head,life is definitely a struggle. But whether this struggle is worth it or not,is a matter of personal experience. I am too young to give up a search for truth withou...
Cruising along the time in this journey called life........