This is not my usual day to day story.Through this text I want to ascertain that if there has to be change,if we are too worried by the current state then the change can be caused by oneself alone.On account of that,I think an individual is way too important in the scheme of things than I used to think. EXAMPLE IS BETTER THAN PRECEPT. All these days I thought over and over,turned over a few books and accumulated a lot of information regarding this but for what?The answer is imminent.I turn on the TV and find almost everyone preaching.Each one of us is busy teaching things to others.Do it this way,do it that way,it should not be so and so...I guess people don't have any other business. It is not that I am immune to these temptations.I too,do not miss to preach whenever I find an opportunity but the difference between me and them?Well,I found out the futility of it way before they could and hence gone are the days,I used to be that way.I won't ever preach or ...
Cruising along the time in this journey called life........