It has really been a very interesting first week here at the college after the break.I have applied my new way of thinking to my public life without much difficulties and I’m really going strong in consolidating it.One thing is worth mentioning and that it my concentration level has increased manifold.Earlier it’d be nearly impossible to stay at the library for more than 30 minutes at a go and today it has been more than three hours and I don’t feel the need to go out of here.I have nearly finished a philosophical book and now as I’m typing this I feel at ease. But this is really a very huge thing keeping my standards in view.From being a rogue human to being able to walk on the path leading to sincerity it has really been a marvellous change.Now a few things come into my mind when I contemplate this change and I’d like to mention them. First of all the change I’m talking about is not a result of something which was done extensively as the input and resulted in a awesome output.It i...
Cruising along the time in this journey called life........